Saturday, June 28, 2008

bangkok vs barney

a colleague of mine: "ke Bangkok yuks, habis 17-an. deket2x gajian kan tuh. Girls only, mommy time out"
me : "ada barney show "
*padahal siy ngga ada duit,tiketnya juga belum dipesan* :D

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Usulan Training gue belum disetujui...padahal tinggal 2 hari lagi, oleh-oleh batal ya kawan2x...*evil grin*
eh, kalo dah rejeki kan ngga lari kemana, sapa tau disuruh ke Cape Town belajar pembiyaan kapal tanker *evil grin (lagi)*
ngarep aja....

Saturday, June 21, 2008

bali, here (hopefully) I come

I guess I'm over training. Now I'm down with cold & cough! I didn't go to gym for 2 days.
anyway, if it's approve by the authority (of my office), I'll be flying to Bali next week, for a-3-day-training about oil & gas.
Yeah, it is for business purpose instead of a vacation, but any trip away from my cubicle made me happy.
PS : My profile picture is taken in Barito River, in case y'wanna know.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

movie review : Across The Universe

You'll love this movie if you're :
- into musical film
- The Beatles no 1 fans
- Into non-ordinary film screen, that you have to think what is the message behind the screen or the song.

I just knew my ex colleague ID lubeckintheskywithdiamonds actually came from
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds .
The song was played at the end of the movie, and now I can't stop muttering....

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - The Beetles

Friday, June 13, 2008

Gettin [a bit] smaller

My waist line reduce from 100 cm to 96 cm in 2 weeks,i lost a pound though.yay!;-)
Ps: o yeah,i'm that BIG!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

going back to gym

as my twitter board said, I signed up for a gym class again, just in the basement of my office building. I went to the gym either at lunch time or after office hour.well, I've only been exercise for a week, 4 times already and I really intend to do the same in the future, using the famous treadmill for 30 minutes on top, and static bicycle for 15 minutes on top, but I think I've already gain the advantages, such as :
- Now I can wake up early even before azan shubuh!
- I don't yawn after 8 o'clock anymore, really!
- so that, I don't need my wake up call (Mocchachino from Nescafe) that often.
- I don't starving at night like I used to, an apple and a glass of low fat milk are fine with me now.
- and ha! the- two pieces - Punjabi dress that my hubby bought from Mumbay me a month ago, fit on my body! I haven't lost my weight yet, but...oke lah...

picture taken from here.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

mereka sudah hampir lulus

postingan ini bukan untuk menyombongin diri...mohon maaf sebelumnya...
saya lupa tepatnya kapan, tapi yang pasti setelah Kezia lahir. Guru ngaji mama menawarkan untuk membiayai beberapa anak (lupa jumlah totalnya berapa), anak-anak SD di daerah Sukabumi dekat pelabuhan ratu sana.
Saya, poppy dan Susi pun jadi volonteer untuk membiayai mereka...toh jumlahnya sangat-sangat ringan buat kami, hanya untuk membiayai SPP dan buku-buku. Ada beberapa anak yang disantuni...
Waktu berjalan cepat...
kemarin siang yang panas, di depan gedung megah di sudirman...sebuas sms masuk..
" assalamu'alaikum wr wb,kiky ini ibu XXXX. Saya mau mengabarkan, anak-anak yang kiky & teman2x biayai sudah mau lulus, mereka mengucapkan terima kasih...bla...bla...etc"

ah, tiba-tiba ada sebuah perasaan haru di hati saya....semoga rezeki mereka kedepannya lancar, sehingga dapat keluar dari lingkaran yang itu-itu saja...amin.