Thursday, August 28, 2008

am a good motha,aren't I?

One of my relatives,told my sister, to let me know, that in his opinion, I should hug my babies more often.
Well, frankly speaking here , I was pissed of hearing this :(
Then,I remember, I met him and his- I- love u-u love me-we are happy- family is every now and then,with the mother act as -stay-at-home- eventhough we live in the same neighbourhood.
I don't think he aware that my baby boy sleep with touching my big fat belly? :))
With a complain that I should hug my babies more often... probably - I should (at least) reducing my blogging and plurking time.:))
What d ya think?am I a good mother? ;)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lunatic things women do to impress her lover

Sabtu lalu, setelah pulang dari Barney Show di Senayan, dan gagal mengajak Aufa, keponakan calon PNS propinsi bangka belitung, keluar,gue leyeh2x saja di depan tivi. Saat itu sedang disiarkan reality show remaja Termehek Mehek. Nonton episode kemaren, antara geli dan kasihan sendiri meratapi nasib si klien TMM itu. Seketika ingat postingan si tax manager dengan judul diatas.

Ceritanya ada perempuan muda bernama Nisa (kalo ngga salah) yang melapor ke crew program tersebut, konon kabarnya her-lover-who-had-offered-her-a-wedding-proposal- hilang raib tak berbekas selama 3 bulan terakhir. Investigasi dimulai dengan cara:

- mendatangi kantor si pacar, nyelonong g masuk ke ruangan HRG Managernya, who-seemed-very-irritated-and-act rude. Well, I understand why, I don't think we suppose to act polite with (seemed to be) less manner individuals.

- terus, dapatlah alamat si cowok ini, yang kebetulan kedua orangtua cowok ini ada dirumah. The mommy gave them the do-I-know-you look dan si babe mengusir dengan sukses romobongan makhluk yang tak mereka kenal bawa2x kamera. Jadi tontonan nasional permirsa aja kalo si Nisa ditipu mentah2x oleh cowoknya dan tak mendapat simpati dari (seharusnya) calon mertua.

-cerita berlanjut ke lokasi si cowok masang audio system buat mobilnya, si pegawai bengkel setelah membocorkan alamat cowok si Nisa, ke gap ama pemilik bengkel dan gelagapan takut dimarahin, lalu salah satu host acara tersebut ngibrit . Duh...semoga si pegawai bengkel tersebut ngga dimaki2x deh ama bossnya, apalagi sampe dipecat...kasihan...orang susah jangan dibuat tambah susah donk.ckckkckckc

- singkat cerita, entah rekayasa entah tidak...di episode berikutnya (giling, cerita ini ampe 2 episode bow,gilingnya lagi, gue nonton kedua-duanya =))), crew dan client nemu mobil si pangeran tampan tanpa kuda ini, dan membuntuti mobil berwarna silver tersebut. Lalu keluarlah 2 perempuan ngga kalah muda yang salah satunya ngaku pacar si pangeran tampan tanpa kuda ini--- dan nyolot --- dan berantemlah mereka berdua dorong-dorongan mungkin pake acara keluar makian. You know the the silliest thing is? This was tape on camera and broadcasted to the entire country, Halah...segitu worth it kah, pemuda bernama (ruddy/rully?) ini untuk diperebutkan?:@)

- pokoknya lagi, si Nisa ini dapat bertemu dengan pemuda harapan bangsa-nya, tapi tentu saja, dengan acara maki-maki dan berantem lagi dan diusir lagi and of course it was recorded.
*semoga loe dapat cowok baik ya bow--- kasihan gue liat loe*

Reality show model gini banyak, cuma karena ini yang ditonton agak serius, dan pas abis baca postingan bunda rara itu, ini yang gue tulis.
kapan ya ada reality show yang dapat mewujudkan cita-cita gue untuk membersihkan artificial tatto-nya wentworth miller?:x

anyway, ternyata ada cerita yang lebih pathetic dibanding 3 exhibit yang dicontohkan Dini dalam postingannya itu (oh yeah, the story is real, gue tau pelaku di salah satu cerita tersebut).

Asking for what is my lunatic action toward a man on my dream was? (as my comment on the related post). I think this is silly/stupid instead of lunatic.
Suatu ketika, di saat berat dan tinggi badan gue masih proposional, I had a major crush on this guy, who happenened to live thousands miles away from Jakarta.Ketika itu, doi datang ke jakarta, gue harap2x cemas diajak ketemuan (dan emang dia ngajak ketemuan). Happy donk...tentu saja.
saat itu gue udah tau mau make baju apa, my white shirt from Gap together with the black denim skirt, dan kebetulan sepupu gue yang kuliah di Perth baru datang bawa tas bludru hitam putih motif zebra buat gue as a souvernir. Berarti tinggal cari...sepatunya.
Ke Metro Pondok Indah lah gue, and purchase a black sandals that cost Rp 289 ribu. saat itu...7 tahun lalu, disaat gue udah lulus tapi belon kerja harga segitu mahal bow!!!!tapi kan demi tampil keren didepan pangeran tampan tanpa kuda versi gue.8-|

waktu sudah ditentukan, dan gue harus ke kampus dulu--- kalo ngga salah, (untuk suatu urusan yang gue lupa apa)...eng ing eng...:O)Dapatlah gue telpon dari pujaan hati gue (saat itu), and he said he was really on a tight schedule to prepare everything before flying on the other side of this world few days later.
@-)at least waktu gue terpuruk lesu, date dengan sang pangeran tak berkuda itu gagal I wasn't on tivi. hahahahahhaha :P
baru beberapa tahun kemudian gue bertemu lagi dengan pujaan hati gue (saat itu) yang membawa undangan pernikahannya untuk gue. Hahahhahaha

so, care to share yours? *wink*

PS : gue tetap susah negbayangin sebuah Kung Fu Panda pingsan di gym!
2nd ps: cerita diatas benar adanya ,ilustrasi dari koleksi pribadi.
3rd ps : ada untungnya gue baru bisa masak setelah punya anak :P

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A banker's life

ada cerita nyata antara mengharukan dan lucu.
Minggu lalu sahabat gue dari jaman jadi Manajemen Trainee--- yang sekarang udah jadi kepala cabang (termuda bow) Pompi, datang ke Jakarta.
Sebelumnya beliau sudah bolak balik Palembang – Jakarta untuk ini.Rusuh deh pokoknya.
Kemaren happy berat karena mau signing PK (perjanjian kredit) dengan nominal Rp 180 milyar, provisi 0,8% .p.a
Bisa dibayangkan keuntungan cabang Palembang in the near future,belum dari bunga fasilitasnya.
Ngga lama setelah belio balik ke Palembang,
Pompi nelpon gue lagi, gue tanya
" loe lagi di Jakarta lagi?"
dia bilang iya..
karena prospek nasabah dia kemaren...
dipanggil Yang Maha Kuasa...
gue antara  berempati dan tertawa terbahak2x...
Tuhan membebaskan (calon) nasabah itu dari hutang Rp 180 milyar...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Carrot Cake

olla! lama aku tak kembali ke dapur, sekarang mau rajinin lagi acara baking-nya...kasihan tuh oven dan mixer phillips anyar gue. :-D
Last two weeks, I made Spainish (suppose to be Vanila) Mocha Cake, which I accidently erase the pictures from my camera, since I was upset I only brought 1 GB SD card with me to Bali last week.

Anyway, mbak nining, "master" dalam hal per-baking-an, dimana ketika gue dan kezia ultah selalu mesen ke blio, posting resep ini di blognya. Langsung tertarik, ada wortelnya bow. dengan tekad yang kuat mau seperti De, yang selalu sempat buat kue buat rafa sekolah...gue ngga mau kalah...
wong naik KRL-nya sama-sama jam 7.25 dari stasiun yang sama.Too Funny
kalo ngikutin yang baik-baiknya ndak papa toh.
Jadilah 3 hari yang lalu buat kue ini, tapi yah nasib...bangun mempet jam setengah 6. dari resep asli, gue buat setengah resepnya. Karena kata mbak nining resep ini kemanisan, gulanya gue kurangin.

Which is...
125 gr gula pasir halus
125 gr gula palem
3 butir telor
250 gr terigu
300 gr wortel kupas, parut kasar --- gue pake 3 wortel import ukuran sedang biar gampang diparut.
175 ml minyak sayur
1 sdt baking powder
0,5 sdt baking soda
pinch of salt
1.5 sdt kayu manis bubuk --- kata mbak nining biar nonjok rasanya...*halah*

How to:
- Panaskan oven 200 deg C
- Masukkan semua bahan kecuali telur dan minyak dalam satu wadah besar, aduk rata
- Tuang minyak pelan-pelan sambil adonan diaduk
- Masukkan telor satu-satu, aduk adonan sampai rata
- Tuang adonan ke dalam cetakan muffin
- Turunkan suhu oven ke 180 deg C
- Panggang kue selama 30 menit
- Angkat, dinginkan

porsi : 12 buah muffin

nah, gue kan ngga bisa menghias tuh, palagi waktu mefet...rada maksa lah interior kue ini pake bunga peka dan kayu manis beneran...kikikikk....dicoba ya! gampang kan! Kevin aja habis 4!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

my second bali trip (in year 2008)

hellow everybody!!!
as I told you before, I came back to Bali with my colleagues. I flied with Air Asia 20.00 and arrived at about 23.00. It was first trip to bali (even first time flying for Roni, the taller man who stand in front of Air asia!) for some of my colleagues.

We stayed in Fourteen Rosses in Legian Street, very affordable rate but their rooms have dull interior, due to its age and served dull breakfast aswell *ada harga ada mutu lah ya…*

The tour had been arranged for us and I was pissed off that the tour schedule was to…Kintamani – tanah Lot – Jimbaran…L.

Months before I fly to Bali on July, the tour agent send us an email telling that out trip was to GWK, Uluwatu and Benoa Bay, that’s why I choose Kintamani route on last July.

Well, whatever!

First we went to Batu Bulan, watching Barong show. I wonder all the castings depend on the enterance fee (tiket harga masuk maksud gue, kikikkk) , If there are less tourists, there won't make more money. Pity for them.

After the shows we went forward to Kintamani, I had lunch in different restaurant from my previous and the food was lame.It doesn't allow us to have another mineral water, even we paid for a-buffet-lunch nor it have a spectacular view like the previous resto,either.

Then, we took (almost) the whole picture of C(redit) M(arket) R(isk) G(roup) gank, pas gue lagi sholat dzuhur...uh, sebel!

After lunch, the big boss wanted to visit Istana Tampak Siring, so we headed there. Good thing, since I didn't stop at this palace last July.

Like any other building in Bali, this palace had pura aswell. Some said, this area form a-balineesee woman figure if we see from high above.

It has a beautiful pool, which water never dry even of dry season. It also has 3 moa (eels), which colors are black, white and red. If you happened to see there of them, it will bring you luck.

tetep aja narsis dan foto ngga mutu.

Then…Sunset in Tanah Lot, and still making a silly pictures.

Then, dinner in Jimbaran.

While waiting for the dinner, Lany and I made unordinary pictures, we bought Jagung Bakar and borrow his stuff,pretending that Lany is the seller. Quite funny don’t you think.

After arriving back to Legian street, we headed to Ocean Beach Club, a famous outdoor- club- in Kuta Area, not far from the famous Hard Rock Cafe. It has a pool int he middle of it, where people going wild , including...errr...Oh, I rather no tell. me! We didn't sip any alcohol, trust us. Too Funny

On Sunday, my flight schedule was on 13.50 and there were no the tour schedule for us who took the earlier flight. Since I failed visitting Dreamland last July,

while dinner on previous night, I told my friends I wanted to paid a visit there before flying back to Jakarta, all my colleagues were agree with my idea, and we hired three cars for the next day. The ones who flight on 23.00 pm refuse to join the tour as well.

So…there we were, taking silly pictures in DreamLand beach!

After breakfast, when I lost my appetite due to lack of sleeping time , we headed there,

mulai foto dari yang mutu....tadinya cuma 6 orang yang berangkat jam 13.50.

sampai ketika pasukan Corporate reviewers lain datang....dari foto ibu dan anak sampai pre wedding ngga mutu.

The six of us, who take earlier flight went to Joger, the others headed their journey to GWK.

ow, what a trip.

here for other pictures

Thursday, August 07, 2008

The right to copy

I told a news to my colleagues about what happend to mbak ellen whose writing was published in Warta Kota without her permission.
A colleagues of mine said it's a legal thing to do since blog is meant for everyone.
A very stupid opinion I must say...

Sunday, August 03, 2008

sepatu cinderella

hahahhaha hihihihi
sepatu cinderella

hahhahaha hihiihhihihi
ukurannya pas benar..

Lihatlah lihat semuuuaaa...
Aku punya pasangannya
Sepasang sepatu kaca kristal
Sepatu istimewa...

*tos tosan ama dinot*

-dinyanyikan dengan nada sepatu kaca cinderella-

kemaren setelah kenyang benar mengunyah Pempek Bangka dan Nasi Goreng Cumi
(yang juga import dari bangka), saya penasaran dengan sepatu kaca kristal si kung fu panda yang konon dibeli karena panas dan kipasi.

Their war is our happyness! Tripping

Pantesan sebulan ini ngajak gue makan siang ala warteg terus, jatuh miskin rupanya.
untung punya teman berbadan besar dan berukuran kaki yang sama, pas kami coba, pas dengan ukuran kaki kami.

kapan2x pesta bisa pinjam niy...
* tos tosan lagi ama Dinot*

hahahhah hihihihi
sepatu cinderella

hahhaha hihihihhhiih
sepatunya modal minjam

Saturday, August 02, 2008

the comfort zone

one of my close friend sent me a text message last night when I was on the way from Puncak, and it surprised me, my friend had choose a different kind of life, a very big decision. Realizing this blog meant for public , I won't explain about the decision (our network probably read this blog as well), in short my friend get sick and tired about what happened with our network.

and another friend of mine had also made a big decision,she will quit and will act as a-stay-at-home-mommy and giving up a "senior manager" tittle after her name, and yet, she's only 28!

recently, another friend of mine had motivated us , out from the comfort zone, the zone that often fool us, the zone that made us forget there's a beautiful world out there.
Why I was such a chicken, that I'd chose option #1. I could be a wiser me, who knows? If I don't get a damn job anyway, at least I still sit comfortly with my precious. I ain't stupid after all, sure I can find a beautiful life in my own way.

Like Master Shifu from Kung Fu Panda movie said: if you don't try,we'll never know and there are no accident. (I had the movie in my IPOD,so kind of watching it for many times)
