Thursday, February 23, 2006

segera berakhir

Masa leyeh2x akan segera berakhir...
"bangun siang---mandi lebih siang lagi---ngenet semalaman---nonton DVD desperate housewive sampai khatam---dll.
senin besok udah mulai "try-to-help-my-hubby-to-make-ends-meet" ugh...sedihnya.Ngejar2x kereta lagee, pulang malam lagee...
Kaya'nya masiy belum puas banget deh, senangnya mengurus anak sendiri, praktek-in resep2xnya mbak inong(thank you banget lho mbak, clueless gini kalo disuruh ke dapur, jalan2x ke mall,nganterin kezia sekolah.bakal jarang up-date blog apalagi blogwalking.
Anyway, rumah-ku di cat niy...kalo ada kurang,maaf2x aja yei...amatir banget soalnya!:)
sekalian dey...nampilin foto keluarga minus the daddy.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

(dulu) kau dicaci,kini (mungkin) kau dipuja

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this is yesterday story...
I'd added another fat on my body so I need have some new working clothes since my maternity leaves will be over next week.
And I'm the big fan of NeuMor (RCTI anchor wear this brand), it fitted me well. from my very first day of working (I was in size 38-40), 'till having two babies ( size 44-46,hehehe)

The sale items only available in ITC Mangga dua store (they also have stores in ITC Fatmawati and ITC Permata Hijau), so I decided to get there.
I cought cough and cold (yeah...thanks to my babies!), so I decided not to drive, since at my concern, we aren't recommended to operate machines whenever we take cold pills.
but I can't afford the Taxi's fared from Puri Indah to Mangga Dua,ha3x.(poor me)
Getting by buses is the only way, but which route???
BSD shuttle bus from kebun Jeruk's tol gate or go to Sudirman first then take trans Jakarta??? or else?

Then I remember the Trans Jakarta BUs has new corridors now, kalideres-Harmony and Pulo Gadung-Monas. I decided to take that mass transportation, with a tought it's quicker and the bus won't be full of people.

well, I tell you what,I'm wrong!

From Puri Indah, I have to take "angkot" to Taman Kota first, lucky for me, the bus has shelter in Taman Kota, so I didn't need to take Kopaja/metromini/mikrolet to go to busway shelter.
then...I have to wait about 30 minutes to get to Trans Jakarta....It was full!
I'd wait for 5 busses before I can get in it,still it was nothing, the people who had arrived before I did, had wait 10-11 buses before geting in!!! Wow!!!!

I heard that the third corridor (Xderes-harmony) only has 22 buses to serve hundreds of West Jakarta citizens and it always operate with maximum capacity, not to mention during peakhours! even the buses from corridor #1 (Blok M-kota),help this route during peak hours, and these corridor operate earlier than the others.

A man sit next to me said on the shelter, was thankful to have this route. he works in Cakung, usually took him 3 hours to get there and spent almost 10 thousand on bus, it took him an hour only and less than 5 thousand to get to his office.

And, in only took half an hour and total 5 thousand (from Taman Kota Stop)for me to get to mangga dua.

So, I guess Mr Sutiyoso's masterpiece has done a very good job!

picture taken somewhere from taken that forum

Life SURE Expensive

here the outline, Kezia visitted her cousin which lives near by.
Dzaki (her causin) already caught cold and cough, and he infected the disease to kezia
she got cough the next day.
The cough was so bold and have a phlegm, I decided to take her to her pediatric in Graha Medika Hospital, the hospital where she was delivered.

At home, she liked "to do the coughing" when her brother near by. Eventhough I forbid her to do so, she kept doing anyway...
Due to bad weather (it has been heavy raining) then the next two day, Kezia caught cold did her brother.


It was on wednesday,a cold and heavy rain wednesday. Kevin's cold getting worse, surely I have to take him to the hospital for no doubt. Since my car still in the garage (repair shop), I (again) have to got there by taxi because it's so impossible getting there by buses and angkots :) with two babies.

Have an idea how much I spent that wednesday???
1. The pediatric fared ; Rp 280 thousand for both kezia and kevin
2. kezia's medicine ; rp 109 thousand
3. kevin's medicine ; Rp 70 thousand
4. Taxi fared from bintaro - Graha Medika Hospital - Puri Indah (where my parents live)- Bintaro in total Rp 170 thousand!!!

So, that day I spent Rp 620 thousand for "trying to get well" only!!!

lucky for me, the hospital things is covered by our insurance.
but for most of people in this country nowdays, Rp 600 thousand something --- even less, is their monthly income!
I wonder how difficult for them to make the ends meet by that number!And like I said, even less than that.

Lucky for me, alhamdulilah...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

hanya sebuah narasi

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recently, child abuse is one of the current issues. almost everyday, when I watch the news, there is another baby being abused by people that has close relationship with them. babysitternya, pamannya, bahkan orangtua kandungnya sendiri!!!

gue inget suatu ketika dimana saat itu kevin masih dalam kandungan. Gue baru belanja di salah satu hypermarket yang sangat digemari kebanyakan warga jabotabek saking lengkapnya dan besarnya lahan toko (pause mode : saking lengkapnya, terkadang gue membeli hal2x yang ngga perlu disana).
ceritanya, pas gue dah selesai belanja dan mau turun lewat eskalator, ada pasangan muda didepan gue, di depannya ada ibu2x dengan 2 anak laki2x. the oldest mungkin udah TK, adiknya mungkin baru merayakan ultah pertamanya. Si adik ditaro' di troley, posisi duduk menghadap ke ibu, yang mendorong troley sang kakak. Lalu si kakak mendorong lebih keras troley tersebut, dan troley nyaris meluncur, kalo tidak sang lelaki (yang berdiri dibelakang si ibu) sigap menagkap, mungkin troley sudah meluncur bebas....
apa tindakan si ibu...????
setelah mengucapkan terima kasih kepada lelaki muda tersebut...dia MEMUKUL KEPALA SI KAKAK dengan dompetnya, lalu mengucapkan sesuatu yang gue ngga dengar (ato mungkin udah lupa si ibu ngomong apa)
si kakak hanya bisa diam...
seandainya gue berada di belakang si ibu, gue pengen menghardik si ibu.
Maaf, menurut gue si ibu ini tolol ato mungkin buta huruf, karena jelas2x menuju escalator, baik yang naik dan turun, terpampang tulisan cukup besar
"Dilarang menaikkan anak kedalam troley disepanjang escalator"

gue pernah baca sebuah email, entah siapa yang menulisnya, topiknya, tentang perlakuan kasar orangtua terhadap anaknya. Diakhir tulisan sang penulis berujar (ngga persis gini tapi intinya sama deh...) "bila sang amanah (dari Tuhan) tergolek lemah karena sakit, atau dikembalikan kepada Sang Pemilik, menangiskah kita????

picture taken from