Wednesday, August 09, 2006


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This is wali songo (Schefflera Arboricola) plant,
Now, some of this plants were put before the entry door in my office bulding
I don't learn why at first.
Each branch has 7,8 or 9 leaves.

Superstitious people said,
If you find the branch with 9 leaves,
It will bring you luck.
So, I took a deep look on the plants while waiting for the car which will take us for lunch.

HA! I found it!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Latter at home I found there is Kevin's picture in Majalah Annakku (page 95,btw)
Three days latter Kevin wins lomba foto di Nakita (juara hiburan siy) dan lomba foto di Hero Supermarket!
(start to believe it does bring you luck? neah!)

ubek2x di google ternyata :

Tanaman anti polutanMenurut penelitian NASA diketemukan bahwa tanaman ini dapat menyerap racun-racun diudara / polutan semisal debu, pertikel kecil bahkan radio aktif.Tanaman-tanaman tersebut antara lain adalah: Paku boston,palem, palem bamboo,karet hias, dracaena, lili air, sirih belanda, paku, krisan, gerbera, wali songo, kastuba dan salsiviera

Ow, that's why it's there!
(and also brings me luck? )

PS : I do have pictures of the Wali SOngo with 9 leaves, but, I took the pics with my SE 500i, pas mau di upload ke PC, unfortunately, I lost the CD. So, I took another pictures of the plants using my Canon Ixus 500.

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